Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Diploma Of the Leadership And Management -

Question: Discuss about the Diploma Of Leadership And Management. Answer: Appropriateness of WHS Management System to the company. WHS Management System is very appropriate to the company. This is because, the system describes all the areas of work engagement between the company and the workers. In that connection, the workers are aware of various issues surrounding their work descriptions so as to work effectively in healthy conditions as well as adhere to safety measures. Relevant legislation for WHS. The main relevant legislation is WHS legislation 2011. This legislation asserts that persons conducting a business have a primary duty of care. This is to ensure they are responsible for provision of safe working condition for workers. Workers in this legislation include employees, volunteer workers who perform duties on behalf of business and contractors. 4 changes to policies and procedures related to WHS. Workers need to be trained on how to identify hazards in workplace so as to propel their commitment in workplace. Prioritizing health and safety of workers rather than terms of engagement. Initiate programs so as to identify new hazards that are likely to affect workers. I would ensure that hazards are dealt with from individual level as it progress to group level so as to ensure healthy working environment. Individuals responsible for WHS and their responsibilities. Risk assessor. This is an individual who has mandate to assess hazards in workplace and design policies and procedures to be followed in mitigating these hazards. Persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU). Their responsibilities include engaging workers so as to work for them and manage workplace. They also install structures at workplace. Officers such as company directors. Their responsibilities include understanding hazards and risks of the business. They also provide resources so as to mitigate risks. Human resources and financial resources required in WHS. Human resources Officers such as company directors. Persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU). Risk assessors. Financial resources Cost of compliance with legislation to WHS. Costs on training Cost on consultation Persons responsible for approving human and financial resources. Human resource manager Directors of the company Finance director Task on acquiring new coal in Queensland and Western Australia. Changes in WHS legislation in Queensland and Western Australia as compared to Victoria. WHS legislation applicable in Queensland and Western Australia as compared to Victoria include: Work health and safety hazard Act 2011. Codes of practice. Consultation and representation. Work hazard and safety and other legislation amendment Act 2015. Report on amendments in WHS policies and procedures relevant to WHS state legislation. Policies and procedures in WHS have two main aims. That is, to determine the commitment of business management and workers to health and safety. This also involves identification of new hazards that are likely to emerge at work place. This report asserts amendments that need to be incorporated. These amendments will address hazard management, incident management, emergency procedures and injury management. In hazard managements, amendments will design policies on identification of hazards, setting priorities on which hazards to minimize first, assessment of hazards and control procedures. The process will also involve implementation of policies, monitoring process and finally review analysis. On the other hand, incident investigation involves incident reporting, incident investigation, corrective action taken and finally a review of actions taken and modification. Emergency procedures involves early warning, response and evacuation, training as well as practice drill and evaluation. Finally, the report also aims at amending injury management procedures. This process involves first aid, workers compensation and rehabilitation plans. How WHS management system will meet legislative requirements. Legislative requirements cannot be met unless WHS management system provide a clear path on how to enhance health and safety at workplace. In that connection, there is need to change responsibilities of supervisors. Supervisors need to enhance the process of promoting health and safety standards rather than monitoring workers. Responsibilities for workers also need to change. How to ensure proposed WHS management system meet organization requirements. I would make sure that all human resources incorporated in this proposal work together as a team. This will enact new policies and procedures so as to come up with clear and effective strategies that will convince the organization on proposed trends in health and safety standards at workplace. Hazard management procedure for Western Australia and Queensland. Hazard identification. Setting priorities. Assessment of hazard. Control procedures. Implementation phase. Monitoring process. Risk management process for Western Australia and Queensland. Hazard management. Incident investigation. Emergency procedures Injury management. Hierarchy of control with reference to WHS. This refers to a process applied in workplace so as to create safe systems of work via undertaking duties and responsibilities in the areas of health and safety. How to ensure that new hazards are not created and existing ones are under control. WHS policies assert that new hazards can emerge as a circumstance of minor change. In that case, to ensure that new hazards are not created, it is important to offer training to workers on the importance of maintaining health and safety standards at work. The main goal of WHS is to prevent injury and illness at work. Everyone in the workplace need to be responsible. Employees, employers and supervisors need to work together so as to prevent emergence of new hazards. To control existing hazards, there should be a clear process of hazard management that involve hazard identification, setting priorities, assessment, control, implementation, monitoring and review. Procedure for selecting and implementing risk controls according to hierarchy of control and WHS legislation requirement. Using hierarchy of control, the following procedure will be appropriate. This process involves removal of risks completely that are associated to a particular hazard. This involves control of risks and hazards by substituting with less risky methods so as to achieve similar outcomes. This process separates hazards from people exposed to a particular risk. This involves making physical changes such as addition of safeguards. Personal protective equipment. This is where employees wear inputs that enhance health and safety at work. Loop holes in existing risk control methods implemented in Victoria fields. Once risks are detected in Victoria fields, some of employees responsible for causing these risks are left to walk free with no course of action taken. In order to control risks, safety measures need to be stressed. Any stakeholder responsible for a particular risk need to be monitored. Resources to mitigate the risks above in Western Australia and Queensland. Human resources such as trainers Human resources such as risk assessors Finances for consultation Finances for training workers Expert advice for planning and implementing WHS risk management. Establish proper local geographical structure so as to prevent strata instability. Use of health and safety inputs at work to prevent hazards and risks. Report incidents as soon as they occur. WHS induction and training program for all workers in the work area. Induction and training programs are created to enhance health and safety measures for workers in the work area. Training involves educating workers so as to prevent emergence of risks and hazards. The program will involve the following process: Workers need to wear safety inputs to prevents hazards and risks. Workers need to identify possible hazards so as to mitigate them from affecting their performance. Workers need to consult from each other and report risks as soon as they arise. Methods to use for WHS record keeping so that injuries and diseases are identified. Medical record for workers. This is a health record that need to be kept so as to monitor workers in the working area. Incidence occurrence record. This record need to be kept so as to record risks and hazards that may cause injuries and diseases. Methods to measure and evaluate WHS management system. Communication and consultation strategies. This process aims at effectively communicating the importance of health and safety measures at workplace. This ensures workers are free from risks and hazards. This determines the level of health and safety. The system is effective if risks are low. Three improvements to develop and implement into WHS management system so as to achieve organization objectives. Conduct internal and external audits so as to determine areas to be improved. Monitor the process identification of risk. Supervise workers in all areas and take actions to irresponsible workers. Steps to ensure compliance withWHSlegislative framework to achieve as a minimum, WHS legal requirement. Understand the main purpose of WHS management system. Understand the scope covered by WHS management system. Identify policies and procedures to be considered in WHS management system.

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